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St. Martin's Re-Opens for Sunday Masses



We are pleased to invite our parishioners back to Sunday Masses (6:30 am, 9:00 am, and 7:00 pm) as of February 13, 2022! Our weekday masses continue to be celebrated Monday to Friday at 6:30 am. Therefore, the following guidelines will be implemented at St. Martin's effective immediately for all Masses (weekday and Sunday.) Once again, we emphasize that these guidelines, as inconvenient as they may seem at times are intended to help us keep one another safe. Therefore, everyone is to comply fully. 

  1. Only 50% capacity may be present in the church at any given time. Once we reach the maximum capacity, no other persons will be allowed into the church.

  2. Social Distance guidelines are still in place. Please note that pews will be marked where seating is allowed. Also, ropes are in place as barriers on pews where no seating is permitted.

  3. People need to wear their masks properly. No one will be allowed into the church without a mask. Ushers will remind attendees of the need to wear masks properly, as needed. The only person authorized to remove their mask is the priest while he is preaching.

  4. Upon entering the church, sanitize your hands. Only the main entrance will be open for entering the church. All exits will be opened when it is time to leave. 

  5. The sign of peace during the celebration of the Mass will not take place. 

  6. Communion will be given under one species only and must be received in the hand. Individuals must sanitize their hands at the station strategically placed by the communion line before receiving communion.

  7. Persons receiving communion are invited to only approach one line and must follow the social distance markers.

  8. If you feel unwell or show any signs or symptoms associated with COVID, kindly stay home. It may be a simple allergy or sinus, but it may also be COVID. We invite everyone to be responsible and take care of our brothers and sisters, especially the vulnerable around us - the elderly and our children under 12 who at this time cannot receive the vaccine.

We expect some persons and families to feel still not safe enough to return to mass. In these cases, we encourage them to: (1) tune in to our Livestream masses, which will continue at 9:00 am (2) attend weekday masses where possible. We are still in the middle of a pandemic, so let us not fall into a false sense of security! The virus continues to be present here in our country. We continue to encourage all to get vaccinated and boosted so that we can all do our part to help contain this deadly virus.

Please continue to:

  1. Follow all guidelines stipulated by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, especially the proper wearing of masks in public.

  2. Wash hands frequently throughout the day and sanitize as much as possible

  3. Take care of your health in general by eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep.. These will help to boost your immune system.

Welcome back to St. Martin's! We can't wait to see and celebrate with you again!

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St. Martin de Porres Parish

Corner of Partridge and Vernon Streets

P.O. Box 489

Belize City, Belize

Central America

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